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sistem tumbuh hidroponik

Apa itu sistem pertumbuhan hidroponik?

Hidroponik adalah bagian dari hidrokultur, yang merupakan pertumbuhan tanaman di tanah yang kurang medium, atau lingkungan berbasis air. Pertumbuhan hidroponik menggunakan larutan nutrisi mineral untuk memberi makan tanaman di air, tanpa tanah. Dengan sistem ini, kita tidak lagi dibatasi oleh iklim atau musim demi mengejar kesenangan kita yang tidak berbahaya. Kita sekarang dapat menanam hampir semua tanaman di hampir setiap saat sepanjang tahun - satu-satunya batasan adalah imajinasi kita. Sistem hidroponik yang sederhana dan efektif sekarang tersedia, ditambah dengan pencahayaan hortikultura modern, telah membebaskan kita untuk menanam tanaman favorit kita di mana dan kapan kita memilih.

Jenis sistem tumbuh hidroponik?

Ada banyak jenis sistem tumbuh hidroponik, mainly Wicks System, Water Culture system, Ebb and Flow System (Flood and Drain), Drip System (recovery or non-recovery) and N.F.T System.

Benefits of hydroponic growing system?

1.Isolation from soil. Plants are grown in water containers or in low–cost natural substrates. With this system, it is possible to grow a vast range of vegetables.
2.Use of limited space. One of its main advantages of hydroponics is the possibility of using urban spaces which until now had not been considered adequate for growing food.
3.High efficiency in the use of irrigation water. Water is recycled and does not pollute the environment.
4.Pest, disease and weed control. Hydroponic systems facilitate the adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Nneither the produce nor the environment is contaminated by chemicals.
5.Higher yields and shorter times between harvests. Hence, total output is greater than the case of conventional soil systems.
6.Easy to learn. The technique is easy to understand, it does not require prior knowledge and concrete results are achieved quickly.

7.Potential use of recycled materials. It is possible to use recycled materials to build growing systems..

What can i plant with hydroponic growing systems?

One of the most common questions for beginner hydroponic gardeners is “What can I grow?” The simple answer is that given the right setup and nutrient balance, you can grow any plant hydroponically. To choose what plants would be best suited for your home system, you should consider the following factors: what kind of system you have or wish to build, how much space you have, how much experience you have, and your personal reasons for choosing hydroponics.
Now it is our work to design and manufacture suitable system for you, you just need to tell us what you are going to plant, how much the space is. We can help with the assemble and daily run of your hydroponic system at the same time.

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