Air ozonated dalam sanitasi lada hijau segar
kelompok penelitian Universitas Campinas (Brazil) telah menilai keefektifan sanitasi air ozon selama proses pengolahan lada hijau segar. Lada hijau adalah sayuran yang populer di Brasil, dan ini terutama dikonsumsi mentah di dalam salad, karena alasan ini, sanitasi lada segar sangat mendasar.
Currently, sodium hypochlorite is the most used sanitizer in fresh-cut vegetable processing, but the formation of undesirable by-products, such as trihalomethanes that have negative impact on human health and environmental safety, is stimulating the scientific research to find alternative sanitization techniques to chlorine in fresh-cut processing.
The ozone in washing water could be a significant alternative to chlorine use because it does not leave residues in food, it decomposes quickly in non-toxic molecular oxygen and it is used at low concentrations. However, ozone efficacy in reducing microbial contamination depends on type of product, dose, application methods (ozonated water or gaseous), temperature, pH, relative humidity and presence of organic substances.
The aim of the work conducted by Amaral et al. (2012) was to find the most effective concentration of ozonated water to reduce the microbial contamination present on green pepper.
For the work, the green peppers were purchased in a local trade market of Campinas, then they were selected, washed and sliced into strips. The washing treatments were:
Currently, sodium hypochlorite is the most used sanitizer in fresh-cut vegetable processing, but the formation of undesirable by-products, such as trihalomethanes that have negative impact on human health and environmental safety, is stimulating the scientific research to find alternative sanitization techniques to chlorine in fresh-cut processing.
The ozone in washing water could be a significant alternative to chlorine use because it does not leave residues in food, it decomposes quickly in non-toxic molecular oxygen and it is used at low concentrations. However, ozone efficacy in reducing microbial contamination depends on type of product, dose, application methods (ozonated water or gaseous), temperature, pH, relative humidity and presence of organic substances.
The aim of the work conducted by Amaral et al. (2012) was to find the most effective concentration of ozonated water to reduce the microbial contamination present on green pepper.
For the work, the green peppers were purchased in a local trade market of Campinas, then they were selected, washed and sliced into strips. The washing treatments were:
- unwashed slices (T1);
- slices washed with tap water (T2);
- slices washed with ozonated water at concentration of 1.6 mg/L ozone for 1 min (T3);
- slices washed with ozonated water at concentration of 1.8 mg/L ozone for 1 minn (T4)
Peralatan untuk produksi air ozonated: 1. Membangkitkan sel ozon; 2. Oksigen cilinder (99% dari kemurnian); 3. Pipa pembaur; 4. keluar air ozonated.
Analisis mikrobiologi (kelompok Salmonella spp., Jumlah total bakteri aerobik psikrotrofik dan mesofilik, jumlah total ragi dan jamur, jumlah koliform dan Escherichia coli) dan analisis fisik kimia (pH dan kandungan padatan terlarut total) dilakukan pada olahan hijau minimal lada
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kontaminasi mikroba awal dari lada hijau terdiri dari 1,3 x 105 CFU / g bakteri aerobik mesofilik, oleh> 1,1 x 103 CFU / g dari total koliform, oleh <10 CFU / g dari psikrotrofik dan ragi dan cetakan Setelah perlakuan ozon, beban mikroba berkurang secara signifikan, terutama bakteri aerobik mesofilik (1,3 x 104 CFU / g) dan total koliform (9,2 x 10 CFU / g). Adanya E. coli dan Salmonella spp. tidak terdeteksi
Berkenaan dengan kualitas internal lada hijau, pH merupakan faktor kualitas penting untuk sayuran segar dan dapat berkisar antara 4,9 sampai 6,9, dalam pH kerja ini berkisar antara 6,00 (T4) sampai 6,18 (T1), sedangkan total larut Kandungan padatan berkisar antara 4,00 (T3) sampai 4,50 (T1) ° Brix.
Studi asli Amaral RDA, Bachelli MLB, Zerbinati MT, Benedetti BC, 'Efektivitas berbagai konsentrasi air ozonated dalam sanitasi lada hijau segar', September 2012, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journa, Issue No. 14 (3), pagg . 131-135. Info lebih lanjut:
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